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Free ALL Oromo Liberation Front leaders and other Oromo political prisoners

OLF leaders and 50,000+ Oromo political prisoners are suffering in Ethiopian prisons, makeshift detention centers, and concentration camps.

We call upon the International Community to ratchet up pressure on Abiy Ahmed’s government to immediately and unconditionally release all Oromo political prisoners.

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Innocent Oromos including children and women are being massacred by Amhara special forces in Wollo special Oromo zone in Amhara region. Mass murder of innocent Oromos must end now. @SecBlinken @HouseForeign @UNAmbUS @USTradeRep @JosepBorrellF #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


Innocent Oromos including children and women are being massacred by Amhara special forces in Wallaga, Oromia. Mass murder of innocent Oromos must end now. @SecBlinken @HouseForeign @UNAmbUS @USTradeRep @JosepBorrellF #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


Innocent Oromos including children and women are being massacred by Amhara special forces across Oromia. Mass murder of innocent Oromos must end now. @SecBlinken @HouseForeign @UNAmbUS @USTradeRep @JosepBorrellF #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


Amhara terrorist groups, “Fanno” are killing innocent Oromo civilians including children and women in Wollo special Oromo zone in Amhara region. Killing innocent Oromos must end now. @SecBlinken @HouseForeign @UNAmbUS @USTradeRep @JosepBorrellF #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


Amhara special forces are committing massacres of innocent Oromo civilians including children and women in the Wallaga zone in Oromia. Armed Amhara forces must leave Oromia now. @SecBlinken @antonioguterres @EUAmbUS @UNAmbUS @USUN @JosepBorrellF #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


Amhara special forces & Ethiopian Army have displaced thousands of Oromo residents from Wollo & Wallaga. Displacing Oromos is a war crime. Perpetrators must be held accountable. @SecBlinken @antonioguterres @EUAmbUS @UNAmbUS @USUN @JosepBorrellF #HumanRightsForOromos… Share on X


The International Community's silence in the face of mounting evidence of war crimes amounts to complacence and complicity. Condemn war crimes against Oromos NOW! @SecBlinken @antonioguterres @EUAmbUS @UNAmbUS @USUN @JosepBorrellF #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


Under the communication blackout, the #Ethiopian government has been conducting aerial bombardment of civilians in West and Southern Oromia. The IC must condemn war crimes committed in Oromia. @SecBlinken @antonioguterres @JosepBorrellF #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


Abiy and Amhara special forces have displaced over 200,000 Oromos and killed hundreds in Eastern Wallaga zone of Oromia. @SecBlinken @antonioguterres @EUAmbUS @UNAmbUS @USUN @JosepBorrellF #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


In Amuru district in West Oromia, the federal government backed Amhara terrorists have conducted 3 rounds of raids on civilians killing 16, burning over 313 homes, and injuring 4 in a single local administration. @SecBlinken @USTradeRep #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


Amhara special forces have killed at least 4 relatives of Dawud Ibsa, the OLF chairperson, in Gudina Abuna. The terrorist group kidnapped 4 more civilians mostly women. @SecBlinken @HouseForeign @UNAmbUS @USTradeRep @EUSR_Weber #HumanRightsForOromos #OromoVoice Share on X


Ethnic cleansing of Oromos in Amhara & Benishangul Regions by Amhara militia & the destruction of villages in Wallaga & Guji by government soldiers are a chilling indication of Ethiopian government intentions. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo… Share on X


In a speech made by an Amhara Region militia officer in front of an excited, cheering crowd, in which he proudly stated that for every Amhara killed by an Oromo, they would kill 100 Oromo. … #OromiaVoice #HumanRightsForOromo @UNGeneva @DepSecDef @NATO Share on X


Abiy’s forces murdered Amanual Wondimu in public square in front of his crying mother. Oromos are murdered daily by Amhara extremists, Eritrean mercenaries and Abiy’s forces in their homes and villages. @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw… Share on X


Amhara fascists amputated hands in Wollo-Oromia special zone in Amhara region, Benishangul-Gumuz region and Oromia to bring back Amhara hegemony. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


Abiy’s regime is murdering innocent Oromo women & children in public squares in Oromia. The international community must condemn this cruel act & demand accountability. Below is a picture of Amanuel Wondimu. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva… Share on X


Amhara Fanno is deployed to destabilize Oromia, Benishangul-Gumuz & Somalia regions by killing residents, burning their crops causing internal displacement of hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo… Share on X


The Amhara Regional State deployed thousands of Militias to terrorize and displace Oromo farmers in Qellam Welloga -Gidami, Gaba Arbi, and Mugi of Oromia region. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


The Amhara Regional State deployed thousands of Militias to terrorize and displace Oromo farmers in Haro Limmu and Horo Guduru, wellaga Hagamsa, and Amuru districts of Oromia region. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


The Amhara Regional State deployed thousands of Militias to terrorize and displacing Oromo farmers in Gindeberet and Jaldu, West Showa, Oromia region. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


The Amhara Regional State deployed thousands of Militias in various parts of the Oromia Regional State to terrorize and displace Oromo farmers in North Showa in Darraa area. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


Amhara Militias & special forces who massacred Northern civilians are now attacking Oromos in Benishangul Gumuz & several Oromia Regional states raping women, burning homes and destroying farmers' harvest. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo… Share on X


This is an image of an Amhara militia member showing his middle finger to an innocent Oromo man he murdered in Wallaga Oromia region. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


The attack that claimed the lives of 29 people was accompanied by looting & destruction of property where more than 64 houses were set ablaze”. offensive was carried out by #Amhara militia Addis standard. @NATO @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw… Share on X


E. Wollega. We also registered 12,000 IDPs from Limmu 15,000 from Sibu Sire” Addis Standard. These are Oromo farmers displaced from their homes by Amhara militia and special forces in Oromia. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


Abiy is using Amhara extremist Paramilitaries to commit genocide on the Oromo people in Oromia region. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


“... to restore Amhara hegemony over all of Ethiopia that existed for several centuries prior to 1991...” Herman Cohen @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


The ongoing massacre against the Oromo people in Shawa, Wollo, Wallaga, and other parts of Oromia is an attempt to carry out brutal massacres against the Oromo people. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


Extreme Amhara para militias are committing worst mass murders in E. Wellaga than in 1880s during Menelik II invasion where 5 million+ Oromos were mercilessly massacred incl. the chopping off hands, legs, & breasts. @NATO @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo… Share on X


Abiy Ahmed has deployed Amhara Militias & Eritrean mercenaries across Oromia to terrorize & massacre residents & farmers & destroy properties. The international community must act now before it is too late. @NATO @SecDef @UN_HRC @hrw… Share on X


“About four weeks later they collected the bodies of massacred Oromos with bulldozers and buried them in a mass grave.” Wollo resident on the mass killings of Wollo Oromos Addis Standard @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


“...thousands of people were incarcerated and hundreds of people, including those under custody were summarily executed by government forces. Addis Standard received videos and pictures of bodies piled in a pit...” #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


“Up to 8 family members of an alleged OLA member were deemed guilty by association. A 13-year-old boy was beaten to death because his father was allegedly a member of OLA.” Addis Standard. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


“28 people were summarily executed in a place called Intalee alone. The execution is carried out on the side of the road. Bodies are left out in the open for days as a warning.” Addis Standard. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


Abiy & his allied forces are committing genocide to return Ethiopia to Amhara hegemony. The killings in Oromia by Amhara militias, Eritrean mercenary troops, and Abiy’s forces are designed to destroy opposition to this plan. @NATO @hrw… Share on X


Abiy is financing and arming Amhara radical militias and hired Eritrean troops to commit genocide against innocent Oromo civilians. @NATO @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


This is a list of Oromos killed in October & November 2021 by Amhara militants in Eastern Welega zone, Oromia. @NATO @SecDef @UNGeneva @UN_HRC @hrw #HumanRightsforOromo #OromoVoice Share on X


Dawud Ibsa, OLF Chairman, has been unlawfully subjected to house arrest for over 280+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @AmbMKimani @secblinken #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Abiy arbitrarily arrested & detained Oromo political leaders to break & silence Oromos. He charged them with trumped up charges. Most have been jailed 600+ days. They must be released NOW @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Amnesty & HRW in 2020 wrote the mass arrests & extrajudicial killings in #Oromia began before the Tigray war. #ICRC must locate & observe prisoners NOW. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @antonioguterres @AmbMKimani @secblinken @ICRC_Africa #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


OLF is a legally registered opposition political party that represents more than 40% of the Ethiopian population. Free OLF leaders, members and supporters immediately. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Lammii Beenya, OLF Official, has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @secblinken @SFRCdems #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Urji Alamaayyoo is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Kenasa Ayana, OLF Exec. Cmte., has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @secblinken @SFRCdems #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Sabontu Aliyi is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Jiitee Tadassa is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @secblinken @antonioguterres @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Birqee Lammaa is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Almaz Tashooma is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Olani Fayisa was killed by extremist amhara military & Abiy Ahmed’s soldiers on Feb. 21, 2022. He is one of 9 people killed in Giddaa Ayyanaa, Wallaga region of Oromia. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Dhugassa Dabalo was killed by extremist amhara military & Abiy Ahmed’s soldiers on Feb. 21,2022. He is one of 9 people killed in Giddaa Ayyanaa, Wallaga region of Oromia. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Dhugassa Gammada was killed by extremist amhara military & Abiy Ahmed’s soldiers on Feb. 21, 2022. He is one of 9 people killed in Giddaa Ayyanaa, Wallaga region of Oromia. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Ayana Baqala was killed by extremist amhara military & Abiy Ahmed’s soldiers on Feb. 21, 2022. He is one of 9 people killed in Giddaa Ayyanaa, Wallaga region of Oromia. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Mikaa’el Boran, OLF Exec.Cmte., has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @secblinken @SFRCdems #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Dawit Abdeta, OLF Official, has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @secblinken @SFRCdems #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Kulani Barge is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Magartu Hambissa is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Gemechu Ayana, OLF official, has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @secblinken @SFRCdems #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Bontu Daraje is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Abdi Ragassa, OLF Exec. Cmte., has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @antonioguterres @AmbMKimani @SFRCdems… Share on X


Damitu Marqos is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Gadaa Gabissa, OLF Official, has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @secblinken @SFRCdems #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Battee Urgessa, OLF PR., has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include jailed Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @secblinken @SFRCdems #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Chaltu Asfaw is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Marta Tamasgen is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Yaasoo Kabada, OLF Official, has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @secblinken @SFRCdems #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Sarah Beenyaa is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Malkitu Jirenya is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Dr. Gadaa Oljira, OLF Official, has been unlawfully detained for 600+ days. He must be freed IMMEDIATELY. Political negotiation must include Oromo leaders. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @secblinken @SFRCdems #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Bilisumma Mangasha is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @antonioguterres @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


A genuine political dialogue cannot take place with OLF leaders and tens of thousands of its supporters & members in jail. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


We call for impartial, credible, and independent investigation into atrocities committed in Oromia by the Ethiopian government. Intl. Cmty. must push for an end to impunity. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


We demand the establishment of an independent international investigative body to uncover the political assassination of artist Hachalu Hundessa. Justice for Hachalu Hundessa @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Ababa Fayissa was killed by extremist amhara military & Abiy Ahmed’s soldiers on Feb. 21, 2022. He is one of 9 people killed in Giddaa Ayyanaa, Wallaga region of Oromia. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Marga Saddetaa was killed by extremist amhara military & Abiy Ahmed’s soldiers on Feb. 21, 2022. He is one of 9 people killed in Giddaa Ayyanaa, Wallaga region of Oromia. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Likkaasaa Fufa was killed by extremist amhara military & Abiy Ahmed’s soldiers on Feb. 21, 2022. He is one of 9 people killed in Giddaa Ayyanaa, Wallaga region of Oromia. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Amanuu Bulii was killed by extremist amhara military & Abiy Ahmed’s soldiers on Feb. 21, 2022. He is one of 9 people killed in Giddaa Ayyanaa, Wallaga region of Oromia. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Assabee Itichaa was killed by extremist amhara military & Abiy Ahmed’s soldiers on Feb. 21, 2022. He is one of 9 people killed in Giddaa Ayyanaa, Wallaga region of Oromia. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Wabii Burqa is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


A political dialogue that excludes the OLF is a sham dialogue and will not bring peace. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @AmbMKimani @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @DepSecDef @SFRCdems @HouseForeign @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Ilfinesh Tufaa is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Ayantu Abarraa is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Detained Oromo political leaders must be released & reunited with their families. Many families do not know where their loved one(s) are held after the mass arrests. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @antonioguterres @AmbMKimani @secblinken #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Oromo political prisoners are at risk of dying because of lack of hygiene and food that will have grave consequences. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Lidya Abarraa is one of the 50,000+ of Oromo youth languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


AHigh profile OLF leaders along w/30k+ members & supporters are detained in concentration camps. The Intl. Cmty. must demand immediate & unconditional release of these prisoners of conscience @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Asha Jamal is one of the 50,000+ of Oromos languishing in makeshift prisons in Oromia. We call for immediate & unconditional release of all Oromo political prisoners. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


We call for the release of all Oromo political prisoners detained during the recently declared State of Emergency. Political arrest and intimidation must stop now. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


Exclusionary, narrow & non-participatory nat'l dialogue is a false start.Instead, we call for an all-inclusive, comprehensive, transparent & participatory political dialogue. @AsstSecStateAF @antonioguterres @secblinken @JosepBorrellF #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X


There will never be peace in Ethiopia until ALL unlawfully detained Oromo Political Prisoners are released. @AsstSecStateAF @amnestyEARO @antonioguterres @secblinken #OromoVoice #FreeAllOromoPoliticalPrisoners Share on X